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Reimagining Business Education with Tetr

Joan Escandell
Tetr College of Business

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Discover how Tetr College of Business offers a transformative global education, fostering connections and real-world experiences, and redefines success for diverse students through immersive learning and community support

I never thought I could enjoy being at university. Growing up in Cuba, the idea of success seemed out of reach. But Tetr College of Business shattered that belief for me. When I first heard about Tetr, I thought it was too good to be true. However, after an incredible admission process, I can proudly say that I belong to the Tetr Tribe. The journey began with curiosity. Could an institution really offer such a transformative and immersive educational experience? The admission process was rigorous, yet welcoming, and it was during this time that I realized Tetr was not just a school but a global community.

Each step confirmed that this was the right place for me, a place where I could thrive and grow. Tetr connects people from over 50 countries across the globe, which is mind-blowing. Different cultures, beliefs, and societies converge, offering an unparalleled immersion experience. Imagine celebrating the Holi Festival in India, then learning about cybersecurity at Blackhat in Las Vegas. This is the kind of magic that happens while learning and doing business in places like Dubai, India, Singapore, Ghana, New York, Rio de Janeiro, and Milan. Unbelievable, right?

At Tetr, students gain a global learning experience by immersing themselves in business practices across seven different countries. From non-profit organizations in the heart of Africa to a technology business in New York and Silicon Valley. By preparing for a global business degree at Tetr, we will build invaluable connections and collaborate with peers from diverse cultural backgrounds, fostering a truly global network.

The Tetr experience goes beyond traditional education. It’s about immersive learning and real-world applications. The curriculum is designed to challenge us and push our boundaries, encouraging us to think critically and innovate. The masterclasses, led by industry experts, provide deep insights into various fields, from entrepreneurship to global economics. But it’s not just about academics. The conversations I've had with my batchmates and mentors have been equally transformative. The diverse perspectives and experiences shared within our cohort are invaluable. We learn from each other and support each other. This sense of community is just amazing. I am determined to redefine what success means, not just for myself but for others who come from similar backgrounds. Tetr is more than an educational institution; it’s a catalyst for change.

The next four years will be the most exciting and challenging of my life. I am ready to embrace every moment, every lesson, and every opportunity. The experiences I’ve had so far make me confident that this journey will be transformative. The talent and potential within our cohort are immense, and I am excited to see the impact we will make. Tetr’s business curriculum is designed specifically for entrepreneurs, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experiences such as attending the Startup Grind in India, witness an IPO in the Nasdaq, to cultivate innovative and resilient business leaders.

I can’t wait to begin this incredible journey with Tetr College of Business. I look forward to the big things that will come out of our cohort and am excited to contribute to and grow with this amazing community.

Joan Escandell
Tetr College of Business